
Lessons for Corporate Chiefs of Staff From the Flint Water Crisis, Negotiation Strategies – Colleen Hunter, 32:52

Lessons for Corporate Chiefs of Staff From the Flint Water Crisis, Negotiation Strategies – Colleen Hunter, 32:52

How does your ability to negotiate affect your influence? Join consultant and negotiation trainer Colleen Hunter as she introduces and practices key concepts and applications with the group.
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Or purchase access to Workshop Video for 48 hours for $9. Create an account to purchase.

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Lessons for Corporate Chiefs of Staff From the Flint Water Crisis, Overview – Tyler Parris, 15:50

Lessons for Corporate Chiefs of Staff From the Flint Water Crisis, Overview – Tyler Parris, 15:50

The line where your leadership begins and your exec’s ends is rarely as clearly defined as you’d like it to be.  Join coach, author, and former corporate chief of staff Tyler Parris here as he leads a discussion with 15 chiefs of staff about how they contract agreement with their execs around lines of authority. Access Workshop Video as a Member, or purchase access for 48 hours for $9.

Chief of Staff

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Or purchase access to Workshop Video for 48 hours for $9. Create an account to purchase.

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Avoiding Pitfalls in Executing Strategy, Carol Bubar and Bruno LeCoq. (57:06)

Avoiding Pitfalls in Executing Strategy, Carol Bubar and Bruno LeCoq. (57:06)

At our June 8, 2017 Seattle chief of staff peer group meeting on Avoiding Pitfalls in Executing Strategy. Carol Bubar and Bruno LeCoq of Adaquest shared some of the common barriers that organizations face in executing their strategy, along with some solutions based on their Think-Act-Deliver (TAD) methodology and tool.

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Systems & Strategic Thinking for Chiefs of Staff

Systems & Strategic Thinking for Chiefs of Staff

For those who couldn’t make it to our February 23, 2017 Systems and Strategic Thinking for Chiefs of Staff workshop, we’re making available 7 video segments from the morning session and a condensed, PDF version of our actual workshop workbook that contains materials and activities referenced in the videos.

Watch Video 1. Introduction: Why Systems & Strategic Thinking for Chiefs of Staff?

This post is only available to members.

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Video 2: Systems Thinking

Video 2: Systems Thinking

Video 2 of 7 series. Objectives: Create a conceptual map of the systems that compose your work environment so that you can make business decisions grounded in your organization’s broader context and strategy.

Access Workshop Video as a Member, or purchase access for 48 hours for $15.

Become a Member to view this Workshop Video. Members can view it by logging in.

Or purchase access to Workshop Video for 48 hours for $15.

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Video 2: Systems Thinking

Video 3: Systems Thinking

Video 3 of 7 series. Objectives: Create a conceptual map of the trends and dynamics affecting your organization – from the outside and inside – so that you can make business decisions grounded in your organization’s broader context and strategy.

Access Workshop Video as a Member, or purchase access for 48 hours for $15.

Become a Member to view this Workshop Video. Members can view it by logging in.

Or purchase access to Workshop Video for 48 hours for $15.

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Video 6: Chief of Staff Competencies: Self-Assessment

Video 6: Chief of Staff Competencies: Self-Assessment

Video 6 of 7 series. Objectives: Identify strengths and areas for improvement in the universal competencies of chiefs of staff as well as the competencies that most apply in your context. Use these as the basis for your personal and professional development plans.

Access Workshop Video as a Member, or purchase access for 48 hours for $15.

Become a Member to view this Workshop Video. Members can view it by logging in.

Or purchase access to Workshop Video for 48 hours for $15.

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Video 7: Levels of System

Video 7: Levels of System

Video 7 of 7 series. Objectives: Create options for actions you might take at different “levels of system” to enhance your effectiveness.

Access Workshop Video as a Member, or purchase access for 48 hours for $15.

Become a Member to view this Workshop Video. Members can view it by logging in.

Or purchase access to Workshop Video for 48 hours for $15.

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